A Prevalência Da Utilização Da Ferramenta Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ) Entre Pacientes Idosos Hospitalizados No Município De Taubaté
Desnutrição, Apetite, Idosos hospitalizados, Avaliação nutricional, Estado nutricionalAbstract
Introduction: Malnutrition, especially in the elderly age group, is related to increased mortality due to greater susceptibility to infections, increased functional disability, increased number of hospitalizations and reduced quality of life, which can lead to sarcopenia. At the same time, monitoring the appetite and food intake of hospitalized elderly people is closely related to the nutritional status, which interferes with the clinical course due to the increased probability of developing or worsening morbidity and mortality. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of risk of malnutrition using the Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ) screening tool in the elderly at the time of hospital admission. Method: Study characterized as observational epidemiological research, with a longitudinal descriptive field design, carried out in a general hospital in the city of Taubaté (SP). The SNAQ was applied by nutritionists, and the patient was considered at nutritional risk when the score was ≤ 14. The NRS-202 was applied by nutritionists to all patients and considered the gold standard for comparison. Results: Between March and December 2021, 103 patients were evaluated, with a female prevalence of 53.4%. The most frequent age group was observed among individuals aged 60 to 65 years. According to the NRS-2002 classification, 78.5% of the sample had nutritional risk and 17.5% had no nutritional risk. Regarding the results obtained by the QNSA, 32% (n=33) individuals had a score ≤ 14 points, indicating a risk of weight loss of 5% in 6 months. Conclusion: It is concluded in this present study that the SNAQ screening tool presented positive results for the early detection of hospital malnutrition, since it is a short, easy and reproducible questionnaire by the entire health team, which are well trained. Regarding the nutritional diagnosis identified by the NRS-2002, there was a good agreement correlated with the SNAQ.
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